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Our Corona Diary Project

I was recently invited by fellow SCBWI author, Kathryn Evans, to provide some content for the brilliant Our Corona Diary Project.

My immediate reaction was a resounding, "Yes please!" This fantastic project gives children of all ages something positive and constructive to focus on during this difficult time, and empowers them to create something truly historic when this is all over. 

However, I had never recorded a video before and, as a fairly introverted person, I have spent my entire life avoiding public speaking situations. So, the prospect of recording a video was a little daunting! However, I really wanted to help with this project, so I decided to embrace the theme of my book, Superheroes Don't Get Scared, and face my fear! If you want to see the results of my efforts (I still can't watch it as I hate listening to my own voice!), visit:

And if you build any special writing dens of your own, I'd love to see them!